Cherry Wood Dolls

Cherry Wood Doll, Books and Toys!

Cherry Wood Doll is an affirmation toy. Cherry Wood a soft, caramel color tree doll, are generally appealing to children of any race, culture, ability, gender, or language. Cherry Wood a friend to feel loved, just press the Trunk of Cherry Wood, to hear words of encouragement and comfort.

Cherry Wood is Happy Again

This book can be used as a tool to reach children in a non-threatening way. Trauma is difficult for children to deal with, and this story gives them a way to relate to it, a way to experience a safe space and start healing.


Cherry Wood is Happy Again Book Front Cover

Cherry Wood Tree Doll

Cherry WoodTree Doll gives that sense of comfort and peace. All children need is a kind word, a smile on their faces, a hug, and time to cuddle.


Cherry Wood is for a child to be nurtured, speak words that will bring life, joy, calm, healthy growth and comfort.

Cherry Wood is for a child to be nurtured, speak words that will bring life, joy, calm, healthy growth and comfort.

Where does it come from?

Cherry Wood Sitting Toy for Children
A Cherry Wood Soft Toy in a Red Color Box

Cherry Wood Tree Affirmation Toy!

Our Cherry Wood Tree Toy gives that sense of Comfort and Peace. All children need is a kind word, a smile on their face, a tree hug, and a time to cuddle. ” Give me your hand” “Don’t worry everything will work out” “You’re Loved” “deep breathing exercise (for calm and comfort)”.

Cherry Wood a child’s affirmation toy friend.  $40.00. Without the book and $45.00 with the book.