Cherry Wood Dolls

Cherry Wood’s Story

Cherry Wood started as a part of a series of books that touch the heart of children. Cherry Wood is a friend for life. A child’s affirmation Tree Toy. We know that children who hold and walk around with their stuffed toys seem to be much calmer and secure. It’s like carrying their favorite blanket. Our Cherry Wood Tree Doll gives that sense of Comfort and Peace. All children need a kind word, a smile on their face, a hug, and a time to cuddle.  

Cherry Wood, a child’s affirmation toy. A child's friend for life.

Positive affirmations helps children to gain confidence, contributes to their growth mindset, and helps children to truly believe in themselves.

Children need to hear what makes them special and strong over and over again.

Cherrywood is a truly special and meaningful choice for our affirmation toy and doll. Let's explore why Cherrywood holds such significance

our mission

Our mission is to empower children by providing them with tools for emotional support, growth, and healing. Through our Cherry Wood Doll, books, and toys, we aim to create a safe and nurturing environment where children of all backgrounds can find comfort, affirmation, and resilience. Our goal is to promote positive self-belief, confidence, and a growth mindset in children, helping them navigate through challenges, trauma, and daily life with strength and resilience. We are dedicated to making a positive impact in the lives of children by fostering a sense of love, encouragement, and support through our products, resources, and therapeutic settings.

Therapist: Hi there! My name is Sarah, and I’m here to help you today. Have you met Cherry Wood before?

Child: No, I haven’t. Who is Cherry Wood?

Therapist: Well, Cherry Wood is a very special doll. They’re here to be your friend and bring you comfort. When you press Cherry Wood’s trunk, you’ll hear words of encouragement and comfort. Would you like to give it a try?

Child: Okay, I’ll try.

[Child presses Cherry Wood's trunk, and the doll says, "You are loved and special."]

Therapist: That’s wonderful! Cherry Wood wants you to know that you are loved and special. How does that make you feel?

Child: It makes me feel happy and important.

Therapist: That’s fantastic to hear! Cherry Wood is here to remind you of how special you are whenever you need it. You can talk to Cherry Wood and share your thoughts and feelings. Would you like to tell Cherry Wood something?

Child: Yes, I want to tell Cherry Wood that I’m scared of starting school.

Therapist: That’s a brave thing to share, and Cherry Wood is here to listen. Why don’t you go ahead and tell Cherry Wood what’s making you feel scared?

Child: [Opens up about their fears and concerns]

Therapist: Thank you for sharing that with Cherry Wood. You’re not alone in feeling scared, and it’s okay to have those feelings. Remember, Cherry Wood is here to support you and remind you that you’re strong and capable. Let’s think of a positive affirmation together that you can repeat whenever you feel scared. How about “I am brave and capable”?

Child: I like that! “I am brave and capable.”

Therapist: Great choice! Whenever you’re feeling scared, you can hold Cherry Wood, press their trunk, and say your affirmation. It will help you feel stronger and more confident. Cherry Wood is your friend and will always be here for you.

Cherry Wood Story